
Allgemeine Zeitung Bingen, 19. 04. 2011

Refined sonic lyricism with a timeless quality, in the hands of an unpretentious and convincing ambassador of intercultural encounter.

Pegnitz-Zeitung, 10. 06. 2008

Since his student days, Franklin's existence as a musician, composer and teacher has been linked with a meditative practice, which is equally as important an element in Christianity as in Buddhism.

Esslinger Zeitung 08. 12. 2003

A wordless concert begins, accompanied by the ceremonial movements of the flute player and his fascinating tone colours... an extraordinary concert...

NĂ¼rtinger Zeitung, 21. 10. 2003

Dr. Jim Franklin, a superb master of his field... virtuoso and composer. Fine shadings of dynamics, inflected pitches, that is the art. And stillness, again and again.

Schorndorfer Zeitung, 22. 05. 2001

Is is not only the sound of the shakuhachi which is fascinating, but also the player... His audience engages with him, listens attentively to the meditative melodies, which, like the musician himself, radiate a deep tranquility.

Esslinger Zeitung, 09. 05. 2001

Franklin has perfectly mastered the art of varying pitch and timbre through extreme corporeality.